In the intimacy of virus-brain interactions: From molecular mechanistic to functional impact
Thursday 29Th February at 1.30 pm room P. Druet –
Dr. Raphael Gaudin Institut de Recherche en Infectiologie de Montpellier (IRIM),
When brain borders take center stage: role of meningeal macrophages in neuroinflammation and cognition
Tuesday 19TH December at 10.30 am, room Pavillon Baudot –
Dr. Réjane Rua, CIML
Food allergy and asthma : Models and mecanisms
Wednesday 13rd December at 1.30pm, room P. Druet –
Dr. Grégory Bouchaud, INRA-BIA, Equipe “Allergie” Unité BIA UR1268, Nantes
Neuroimmune interactions in physiology and disease
Thursday 7th December at 1.30pm, room P. Druet –
Dr. Simone di Giovanni, Imperial College London
Thesis defenses: Traitements des plaies chroniques par plasma froid à pression atmosphérique, étude des mécanismes biologiques mis en jeu
Friday 20Th October, 2023
Thesis defenses: Développement d’une approche multidimensionnelle pour analyser la réponse immunitaire cutanée dans des échantillons de patients et explants de peau humaine maintenus vivants
Monday 9Th October, 2023
Thesis defenses: étude du phénotype et des fonctions des lymphocytes T folliculaires régulateurs dans des contextes physiologiques et auto-immuns
Thursday 21Th September, 2023
IFN-lambda control of mucosal repair
Thursday 30th November at 1.30pm, room P. Druet –
Dr. Achille Broggi, Ciml
The role of extracellular DNASEs in autoimmunity and obesity-mediated inflammation
Thursday 23rd November at 1.30pm, room P. Druet –
Dr. Vanja Sisirak, Immunoconcept – Bordeaux
Post-transcriptional control of T cell responses by Roquin RNA-binding proteins
Thursday 9Th November at 1.30pm, room P. Druet –
Dr. Vigo Heissmeyer, Immunology Intitut, Munich University