
Transmitting knowledge is one of the main missions of Infinity. No less than 45 faculty members and hospital staff belonging to the Institute teach in the Life Science and Medicine courses at Paul Sabatier University as well as at the National Veterinary School of Toulouse.

Infinity also welcomes every year many students from different geographical and educational backgrounds. In addition to the training they receive in their host teams from experienced and recognized scientists, these students sharpen their knowledge, critical skills and communication expertise through daily bibliographic meetings, internal scientific seminars and Prestige Conferences. They also develop their technical and analytical skills during the numerous training sessions given by the staff in charge of the technical platforms.

Infinity researchers also teach outside Toulouse, nationally and internationally. They contribute for example in the Masters of virology of Lyon or the Pasteur Institute, as well as in International Summer Schools focused on the topics of autoimmunity, neuro-immunology or innovative therapeutic strategies.

Ph.D. students are currently working in the Center

At least students are hosted by the Center every year

Number of training programs involving center's scientists (Nationally and Internationally)

Laboratory internships

Each year, the teams and technological platforms of Infinity welcome and introduce many students to the research jobs. The Institut opens its doors to students at the first or second cycle of university studies, but also to those engaged in medical studies or professional courses. Infinity is particularly closely linked to the Master of Immunology and Infectious Diseases as well as to the Biotechnology and Vectorology, Gene Therapy and Vaccinology courses of the Biology-Health Master of the Toulouse Paul Sabatier University. If you wish to join our center, please send a detailed CV, a letter of motivation, and two letters of recommendation to the team leader you want to join or to Marine Ragonnet, our manager in charge of the reception of new commers.

Doctoral training

Infinity trains researchers who will be the leaders of tomorrow in the fields of immunology, inflammation and infectious diseases. Training in a fast-evolving technological environment strengthens students’ theoretical knowledge, while developing their technical and analytical skills. Each year, about 15 PhD students defend their PhD thesis before pursuing their carreer in France and abroad. To ensure that each Thesis is conducted under high training standards, an internal PhD support office, made up of experienced researchers, has been set up. It ensures that each doctoral student is accompanied throughout his/her thesis by a tutor he/she has chosen and to whom he/she can turn in case of difficulties. It also ensures the implementation of a student-specific PhD monitoring committee, defined according to the prerequisites of the doctoral school. This committee will meet twice during the Thesis in order to ensure optimal progress of the work of the student. Lastly, it coordinates educational actions contributing to the training of students towards the research profession.

Continuing training of staff

The engineers of the technical platforms of Infinity have set up internal training programs in the fields of photonic imaging, flow cytometry and bioinformatics. They cater to all staff at the center and respond to a variety of requests, ranging from initial training for new commers or staff seeking novel qualifications, to advanced practical training courses or workshops. This continuous training translates into a high level of qualification of the personnel, and thus ensures that the research activity is conducted according to the scientific standards and the good laboratory practices specific to each technology.

National and international outreach

The researchers and associate professors of the Institute are invited to contribute to many Masters outside Toulouse. They are particularly involved in the Master of Fundamental Virology from the Pasteur Institute, the European Master of Bioscience of Lyon, the Host / Graft Master of the universities of Tours, Besançon and Paris, the Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases Master of Paris Descartes- Paris Diderot, etc …

They are also involved in many postgraduate training courses, such as the Translational Research and Therapeutic Innovation degree of the Paris-Sud University and the DESC of Allergology and Clinical Immunology from Paris. The international dimension of our training activity covers different aspects. A high proportion of doctoral and postdoctoral fellows come from abroad. This attractiveness is sustained by a marked dynamism in training at European level and beyond. Thus, researchers and associate professors at the center have initiated or participate in European schools or training courses within the framework of learned societies. Examples include the Summer School of Medicine, the Summer School on Autoimmunity (EFIS-EISA), the Summer School of NeuroImmunology (ESNI), the Teaching Courses of ECTRIMS / ACTRIMS, the international teachings of the Société Française d’Immunologie.